Section 8.
Markings of Members - All members must undergo marking/tatooing not for decorative purposes but to signify lifelong and total commitment to the organization and for all that stands for. It symbolizes both privileges and responsibilities aside from serving as an identifying mark. It likewise serves the purpose of discouraging those who are not ready to give full acceptance, dedication or sincerity to the organization.
Markings of Members - All members must undergo marking/tatooing not for decorative purposes but to signify lifelong and total commitment to the organization and for all that stands for. It symbolizes both privileges and responsibilities aside from serving as an identifying mark. It likewise serves the purpose of discouraging those who are not ready to give full acceptance, dedication or sincerity to the organization.
A). General Markings
F - represents the FOUNDER
B - (Blue) represents the Philippine Army
A - (Air) represents the Philippine Air Force
N - (Navy) represents the Philippine Navy
G - (Gold) represents the PNP, BFP, and BJMP
M - (Maroon) represents the Marines
B). Special Markings
F - represents the FOUNDER
SGF / SGM - represents the SUPREMO / SUPREMA
(Supreme GodFather/ Supreme GodMother)
RMG - represents the RANKING MAGIC GROUP
GF / GM - represents the GodFather / GodMother
C). All members shall be correspondingly marked by a tattoo in the superior area in between thump and point finger of the right hand with letters particularly described above.
D). The " " mark including pseudonym year of admission and letters "M" for Mindanao, "V" for Visayas, and "L" for Luzon shall be made permanently by appropraite tattoo on extremity upper right arm just below shoulder.
E). The letters marking "GM" stands for Mindanao "GV" stands for Visayas and "GL" stands for Luzon are tattooed on superior area in between thumb and point finger of left hand to easily identify areas of membership.
Section 9.
Change Status of a Member - In case of change status, the effective member shall be marked with the appropriate tattoo in line with original mark for all promotions except promotions for FOUNDERs which shall be on the top of original mark which shall reflect his/her present status, subject another screening and testing procedure.
Change Status of a Member - In case of change status, the effective member shall be marked with the appropriate tattoo in line with original mark for all promotions except promotions for FOUNDERs which shall be on the top of original mark which shall reflect his/her present status, subject another screening and testing procedure.
Section 10.
Handshake and Embrace - Handshake and embrace signify respect, love, unity solidarity and concerned for one another
Section 11.
Disregard of Rank, Position, Unit or Branch of Service - In organization there is no obstacle to and open, free and honest interaction among members. As far as the goal of the organization are concerned for purpose of achieving cohesion, all members shall disregard their ranks, occupation, and position unit or branch of service. Thus, irrespective of whether one (1) is a Government Official Employee, Professional or with the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine or PNP, BJMP, BFP, he is simply a GUARDIANS. However, to maintain a proper decorum in all activities of the organization, positions of Master Founder, Supremo/Suprema, RMG, FOUNDERS, MG, and GodFather/GodMother shall be recognized.
Section 12.
Oath of Allegiance - A bonafide memberof the organization shall sign an Oath oF Allegians or Panunumpa.
Section 13.
Code of Conduct - The National Chapter shall adopt a Uniform Code of Conduct of members of the organization.
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